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How to use a DTG printer to print DTF

How to use a DTG printer to print DTF

You may have recently heard of new technology and its many abbreviations, including “DTF,” “Direct to Film,” “DTG Transfer,” and others. In this blog, we’ll abbreviate it “DTF” to avoid confusion. You might be wondering what this alleged DTF is and why it’s becoming so well-known. In this article, we’ll go in-depth on what DTF is, who it’s for, its advantages and disadvantages, and more!


DTF also referred to as direct-to-garment transfer (DTG), is exactly what it sounds like. You print an image of the artwork onto a unique film, then iron the film onto fabric or other textiles.




  1. Material versatility

A variety of materials, including cotton, nylon, treated leather, polyester, 50/50 blends, and more, can be treated with DTF (light and dark fabrics).


  1. No pretreat is necessary.

You must be familiar with pretreating the garments before printing if you have experience with direct-to-garment (DTG) printing. You are no longer concerned with pretreating the garment before printing when using DTF.


  1. No process of marrying A+B sheets.

You’ll be relieved to learn that DTF does not require the expensive A+B sheets that are typically used in the marriage process if you have experience with white-toner laser printers.


  1. Rate of production.

Production can be sped up because you essentially eliminate one step of pretreating.


  1. Washability.

has been demonstrated in tests to be on par with, if not superior to, conventional direct-to-garment (DTG) printing.


  1. Easy to apply.

Applying the artwork to challenging or awkward areas of the garment or fabric is simple with DTF.


  1. Cost effective

Can cut down on white ink by 50%. Additionally, supplies are significantly less expensive.


Steps to take before your first DTF print

Since DTF is so cost-effective, as we already mentioned, it doesn’t call for a sizable investment.


  1. Printing directly to film.

Some of our customers have informed us that they use their direct-to-garment (DTG) printers or modify printers for DTF applications.


  1. Films

The process is called “direct-to-film” because you will be printing directly on the film. DTF films can be purchased in rolls or cut sheets.


  1. Software

Any direct-to-garment (DTG) software is acceptable. The white levels on your prints can be changed, giving you a soft hand feels without compromising quality.


  1. Powder for hot-melt adhesives

The “glue” that holds the print to the fabric of your choice is this.


  1. Inks

Any textile inks or direct-to-garment (DTG) inks will function.


  1. Heat press

has been demonstrated in tests to be on par with, if not superior to, conventional direct-to-garment (DTG) printing.


  1. Dryer

It’s optional to use a curing oven or dryer to melt the adhesive powder and speed up production.


DTF is not positioned to displace direct-to-garment (DTG) printing, but it can give your company and production options access to a completely new market. Using DTF works best for smaller designs (that are challenging with direct-to-garment printing), such as neck labels, chest pocket prints, etc., according to our own testing.


Given its high upside potential and affordability, DTF is definitely worth a try if you own a direct-to-garment printer and are interested in it.